Genetic Tests And Their Benefits

Welcome to Precision Medicine: The Future of Personalized Health and Wellness

At the forefront of the genetic health testing industry, HUMUN Genetyx proudly leads with groundbreaking precision medicine offerings. Our suite of innovative at-home genetic health tests, including GenPGx, GenTrim, GenAthlete, GenAge, GenCBD, and GenNutrient, are designed to revolutionize your approach to health and wellness.



— Discover how medication metabolizes in your body thereby allowing your provider to prescribe what works.

— Gives your provider the information needed for proper medication dosing.

— Discover and avoid your risk for adverse drug reaction(s) from either a single medication or the combination of medications.


Understanding how medication metabolizes in your body is beneficial both for your health and for your healthcare provider's decision-making:

For Your Body: Knowing this ensures that medications prescribed are effective and suited to your unique physiological makeup. It reduces the risk of ineffective treatment and potential side effects.

For Your Provider: This information allows healthcare providers to prescribe medication at appropriate dosages, tailored specifically to how your body processes drugs. It also aids in avoiding adverse drug reactions, enhancing the safety and effectiveness of your treatment.

Pharmacogenomics (PGx) plays a crucial role in this process. It's the study of how an individual's DNA affects their response to medications. This understanding is vital because adverse drug events are a major concern in healthcare, leading to hospitalizations and other complications. PGx Testing, offered directly to consumers, can be a key tool in preventing such issues, including unnecessary hospitalizations and prescription inefficiencies.


— Discover how you utilize fat, protein and carbohydrates, gluten sensitivity, lactose intolerance, bitterness and sweet preferences and more.

— Discover how you absorb key macronutrients including vitamins A, B6, Folate, B12, C and D.

— Discover how well you lose fat in response to cardio, body composition, insulin sensitivity to cardio, glucose response to cardio and more.

— Discover the genes that contribute to your metabolism rate, weight loss tendency, weight regain and satiety, and more.


Knowing how your body utilizes nutrients and responds to physical activity can significantly benefit both you and your healthcare provider:

For Your Body: Understanding your body's unique way of processing fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, along with specific dietary tolerances like gluten sensitivity or lactose intolerance, can guide you towards a more effective and personalized diet plan. Knowledge of how you absorb key macronutrients and respond to cardio aids in optimizing your fitness regimen.

For Your Provider: This information allows healthcare providers to make more informed recommendations regarding diet and exercise, tailored to your genetic makeup. It aids in creating a more effective and individualized health management program.

The GenTrim program leverages this concept, emphasizing that considering one's DNA in health management can lead to more successful weight management, moving beyond the limitations of standard diets.


Weight Loss Tendency
Weight Regain Tendency
Protein Utilization
Fat Utilization
Carb Utilization
Gluten Sensitivity
Lactose Intolerance
Caffeine Metabolism
Sweets Preference
Bitterness Sensitivity
Vitamin A Tendency
Vitamin B6 Tendency
Vitamin B9 - Folate Tendency
Vitamin B12 Tendency
Vitamin C Tendency
Vitamin D Tendency
Fat Loss Response To Cardio
Fitness Response To Cardio
Body Composition Response To Strength Training
Hal Response to Cardio
Insulin Sensitivity Response To Cardio
Glucose Response To Cardio


— Discover your intrinsic motivation to exercise, addictive behaviors and stimulus control, based on your genetics.

— Discover your power and endurance potential, grip strength, muscular fitness, and testosterone levels.

— Discover your maximum exercise heart rate response, stroke volume, and body composition response to strength training.

— Discover how well you utilize proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and metabolize caffeine.

— Discover how your genes contribute to your injury risk, and your tendency for systemic inflammation.


Knowing your genetic predispositions related to exercise and nutrition can significantly benefit both personal health and medical guidance:

Personal Health Benefits: Tailored Exercise Programs: Understanding your genetic makeup helps tailor exercise routines to suit your endurance, strength, and cardiovascular responses. Optimized Nutrition: Insights into how your body metabolizes macronutrients and caffeine can lead to more effective diet plans. Injury Prevention: Awareness of injury risks and inflammatory responses can inform safer workout strategies.

Benefits for Healthcare Providers: Informed Recommendations: Enables more accurate advice on exercise and dietary plans, maximizing health benefits. Preventative Healthcare: Understanding genetic risks aids in developing proactive strategies for injury prevention and managing inflammation. The GenAthlete program illustrates how genetic insights can enhance the effectiveness of workout and nutrition plans by aligning them with individual genetic profiles.


Intrinsic Motivation To Exercise
Addictive Behavior And Stimulus Control
Power and Endurance Potential
Grip Strength And Muscular  Fitness
Testosterone Levels
VO2 Max
Exercise  Heart Rate Response
Exercise Stroke Volume
Body Composition Response To Strength Training
Protein Utilization
Fat Utilization
Carb Utilization
Caffeine Metabolism
Systemic Inflammation
Injury Risk



— Discover your motivation to exercise, optimum sleep duration, sugar intake response, impulse control, taste preferences with aging and more.

— Discover how your skin and face age, sun sensitivity, fat loss response to cardio, stretch marks, skin glycation and more.

— Discover how aging effects your mental acuity, age-related hearing loss, longevity, systemic inflammation, insulin response to fat, cholesterol response to fat and more.


Knowing this genetic information has several benefits:

For Your Body: Tailored Wellness Strategies: Understanding your genetic predispositions can guide lifestyle choices, including exercise, diet, and skincare, enhancing overall health and vitality. Aging Insights: Insights into how aging affects your body, from skin to mental acuity, can help in adopting preventive measures and managing age-related changes effectively.

For Healthcare Providers: Personalized Healthcare: This information enables doctors to provide personalized advice and interventions, particularly in preventive health, aging management, and nutrition. Better Health Outcomes: By understanding the genetic factors influencing aging and lifestyle responses, healthcare providers can guide patients towards healthier, more effective lifestyle choices. The GenAge program emphasizes the role of genetics in aging, offering personalized strategies for maintaining vitality and health throughout life.


Sun Sensitivity
Skin Aging
Skin Glycation
Facial Aging
Stretch Marks
Fat Loss Response To Cardio
Body Composition Response To Strength Training
Intrinsic Motivation To Exercise
Addictive Behavior And Stimulus Control
Impulse Control And Taste Preference With Aging
Sleep Duration
Sugar Intake
Mental Acuity
Age Related Hearing Loss
Fitness Response To Cardio
Systemic Inflammation
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Tendency
Cholesterol Response To Dietary Fat
Insulin Response To Dietary Fat
Trig Response To Cardio
Lactose Intolerance
Calcium Tendency
Copper Tendency
Magnesium Tendency
Dietary Choline Tendency
Selenium Tendency
Zinc Tendency


— Discover how well you metabolize cannabidiol (CBD), and by extension, other cannabinoids, based upon the activity of specific ensymes.

— Does your genetic profile indicate risk for sleep disturbances or related health concerns associated with poor sleep? This test wil provide guidance to improve sleep hygiene.

— Discover the genetic variations that contribute to your pain threshold and pain tolerance from sore muscles to achy joints and more.

— Identify your genetic predisposition to drink to excess and the development of alcohol related illness.

— Discover how your genes contribute to social anxiety, and if your genes make you more susceptible, as well as your resiliency to daily stressors.

— Discover how your genes contribute to inflammation in your body, a key indicatory of chronic ate-related disease, heart disease and certain cancers, if left unchecked.


Knowing this genetic information can greatly benefit both you and your healthcare provider:

Personal Health: Better Understanding of CBD Metabolism: Tailors cannabinoid use for optimal efficacy. Improved Sleep Management: Identifies genetic factors affecting sleep, guiding better sleep hygiene practices. Pain Management Insights: Reveals genetic variations influencing pain perception, aiding in effective pain management strategies. Alcohol Consumption Risks: Highlights predisposition to alcohol-related issues, informing lifestyle choices.

Medical Guidance:

Personalized Treatment: Enables healthcare providers to recommend more personalized treatments based on genetic makeup. Proactive Health Management: Helps in understanding and managing potential risks related to social anxiety, inflammation, and chronic diseases. GenCBD testing offers insights into how different cannabinoids interact with your body, helping to determine the most suitable types and amounts for individual needs.


— Discover how well you metabolize Vitamins A, B6, B9 (folate), B12, C, D, E and dietary choline.

— Discover how well you metabolize calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc.


Discovering how well you metabolize various vitamins can provide numerous benefits:

Vitamin A: Essential for vision, immune function, and skin health.

Vitamin B6: Important for brain development and function, and helps the body convert food into energy.

Folate (B9): Crucial for DNA synthesis and repair, and important during pregnancy for fetal development.

Vitamin B12: Essential for nerve tissue health, brain function, and red blood cell production.

Vitamin C: Important for the growth, development, and repair of all body tissues, immune function, and collagen formation.

Vitamin D: Essential for bone health and immune function, and helps with calcium absorption.

Vitamin E: Acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from damage.

Dietary Choline: Important for liver function, normal brain development, nerve function, and muscle movement.

Each of these minerals plays a vital role in the body:

Calcium: Essential for strong bones and teeth, muscle contraction, blood pressure regulation, and possibly reducing certain cancer risks.

Copper: Important for iron absorption, nerve function, and producing red blood cells.

Iron: Crucial for creating hemoglobin in red blood cells, which carries oxygen throughout the body.

Magnesium: Aids in muscle and nerve function, blood sugar control, blood pressure regulation, and making protein, bone, and DNA.

Phosphorus: Key for healthy bones and teeth, and involved in the body’s energy production.

Selenium: Plays a role in metabolism and thyroid function, and has antioxidant properties.

Zinc: Vital for immune function, wound healing, DNA synthesis, and cell division.


Vitamin A Tendency
Vitamin B6 Tendency
Vitamin B9 - Folate Tendency
Vitamin B12 Tendency
Vitamin C Tendency
Vitamin D Tendency
Vitamin E Tendency
Dietary Choline Tendency
Calcium Tendency
Copper Tendency
Iron Tendency
Magnesium Tendency
Phosphorus Tendency
Selenium Tendency
Zinc Tendency

.Precision Medicine


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